Parking Lots
Vehicles on school property are subject to all District #205 rules and regulations. Search of vehicles by school officials is permissible without legal steps when there is a reasonable suspicion that action is necessary to maintain school discipline, safety or enforce school rules. (Board Policy 7:140)

Repeated parking violations on school property will result in the vehicle being booted or towed at the driver's expense (i.e. parking in numbered spots, triangle parking, parking in handicap areas, parking in unauthorized areas, blocking driveways.)


Each student who drives an vehicle to school must register their vehicle with the front office to obtain a parking pass. In order to receive a pass for parking, the motor vehicle's color, make and license number must be provided to the front office. Parking passes are $20.00 and are payable by cash or check. Replacement passes may be purchased for $1.00, with evidence/proof of damaged parking pass. If no evidence is provided, you must pay full price for replacement pass. The pass must be displayed on the motor vehicle front dash while on school property during school hours.

Parking Lot
Separate parking areas for buses, students, staff, administrators and visitors will be clearly marked with signs and/or numbered pavement markings. 

  1. Student parking is limited to the designated student parking lot.

  2. All vehicles must be parked with the front facing into the parking pace.

  3. All those who drive on the campus are expected to observe all posted signs and speed limits. Careless, reckless or hazardous driving on school property will not be tolerated.

  4. All cars in the parking lot are to be locked at all times.

  5. Students are not allowed to sit in parked cars during the day.

  6. Students are not to loiter in or around parked cars during the school day.

  7. Motorcycles are to be parked in the are on the west lot designated for motorcycles.

  8. Driving and/or parking on the grass is not permitted. Students parking on the "north strip" are not to leave until all buses have left.

Driving Privileges
Driving your motor vehicle to GHS is not a right, it is a privilege. if a student fails to follow the rules they will risk losing the privilege of driving their vehicles to school.

West Circle Drive
The circle drives are for dropping off and picking up students only. Parking in these areas between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. is not allowed.